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    Ins and Outs of the Listing Contracts - Nov 29

    Listing agreements are employment contracts between the sellers and buyers of real estate and the real estate brokerage firm they hire. This course is an in-depth review of the Seller Listing Contract and the Buyer Listing Contract covering everything from brokerage relationships, to compensation...
    Listing agreements are employment contracts between the sellers and buyers of real estate and the real estate brokerage firm they hire. This course is an in-depth review of the Seller Listing Contract and the Buyer Listing Contract covering everything from brokerage relationships, to compensation to how a listing contract is terminated. Come learn things you didn't even know existed in these important forms.

    Cost - $30
    Credits - 3

    Instructor Name - RANDY HAY
    Company Name - Cox Education
    29th Nov, 2022 12:30PM - 3:30PM
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